Friday, April 8, 2011

Love Dare- Day 7

today's dare-
For today’s dare, get two sheets of paper. On the first one, spend a few minutes writing out positive things about your spouse. Then do the same with negative things on the second sheet. Place both sheets in a secret place for another day. There is a different purpose and plan for each. At some point during the remainder of the day, pick a positive attribute from the first list and thank your spouse for having this characteristic.

So today was all about moving into the appreciation room of your heart. I got out my paper and quickly the negatives starting piling up. I started on the positives and could only think of 3 things. I didn't quite know how to thank him for these attributes because I went to work before he got home so we wouldnt see each other at all yesterday. I decided to communicate with him the way we always do. Through text. I think over half of our major serious conversations are through text. In fact, we could be sitting in the same room and text each other instead of talk. Maybe this is part of the problem.
So, this is how my love dare played out via text: (keep in mind we got into a pretty big fight that morning and both agreed NOT to talk at all during the day)
me-  "Thank you for being a really great dad"
Him- "Your Welcome"
I let about 5 min pass before I sent him another
Me- "And I think y ou can be a really great man when your flesh doesn't get in the way"   (I know sounds like a back hand compliment)
Him- "Agreed. I think the same of you baby"
My heart was for the first time in a long time starting to get soft at this point. I love when he calls me baby. Few min later I sent him the final text
Me- "And I really appreciate that you don't control my spending. Thats it. I just wanted you to know that"
Him- "Utt Oh. Waddya do? I knew you were buttering me up."
LOL I guess I cant just be nice.
This is a paragraph from the book that really hit home for me-
You must develop the habit of reining in your negative thoughts and focusing on the positive attributes of your mate. This is a crucial step as you learn to lead your heart to truly love your spouse. It is a decision that you make, whether they deserve it or not
I love the man he could be. I love the man he is when he is not angry. I love the man that I know is somewhere deep down inside. I just dont know if this man that I love will ever come to the surface.

7 days down. 33 to go.


  1. Awe! You are breaking him down and he doesn't even know it... "baby"

    that's really sweet. I wish Adam was okay with me spending money on my own- I have to ask about every little thing... maybe i need a job.

    Still prayin'! Keep it up!

  2. That man WILL come to the surface but not through anything you can do - it is only through CHRIST and CHRIST alone working in JR...Praying!!!!

  3. Lol...I have the same problem as Christine with spending money. lol...But seriously Amy, this post made me so happy. I see progress, I am so excited to see how it goes!
