Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Photography Challenge Day 1

A Self Portrait

I rarely ever leave the house with no makeup.

I have frizzy hair.

Seriously, if I dont blow dry it or put tons of product in

Its a disaster.

You can always see the exhaustion in my eyes.

I have horribly uneven and unruly eyebrows.

My nose has a huge bump in it.

Im getting freckles.

And ya know what?

Im ok with that.

Iam who Iam.

God made me perfect to Him.

The closer I get to 30

I feel I am finally starting to feel

comfortable in my own skin.

Thankful that I have 2 eyes that can see

A nose to smell when my stinky kids need a bath

and lips to give sweet kisses.

So, here is my self portrait. Straight out of the shower.

Still have traces of mascara under my eyes

My hair with no product.

But this is me.


  1. Awesome self portrait - I think you're beautiful!!!
    Can't wait to follow your progress through the photo challenge.

  2. and how beautiful you are! i miss that face sooooo much! tears!

  3. You are truly perfectly beautiful Amy
