Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pointless Ramblings

The content of this blog can cause extreme tiredness and might
put you to sleep exactly where you are at.
Do not read while operating heavy machinery or holding a baby.

I love rambling posts cause you can be as scattered as you want. You don't have to write in paragraphs. You don't have to have a beginning, climax, and an ending.
Oh wait, is that the format for a movie? I don't know. I was never very good in school.
I think I could have been but I never really focused. I was always going to be an actress.
Yeah, that was a joke.
I didn't think about college cause I was going to move to Los Angeles.
I'm also a horrible test taker.
Oh goodness. I remember my math teacher in 11th or 12th grade would help me after school and sometimes during lunch and she knew I KNEW the work but as soon as she handed me a test I would fail it.
I have been dealing with a lot of failing issues.
Nothing that I want to get into right now. Speaking of failure...I only lasted 4 days without Facebook. And it wasn't that big of a deal. I did miss some of the girls, but for the most part I had so much more free time. Except the first day.
The first day I was on my phone responding to a zillion texts as to why I took down my FB. Ok, a zillion might be a tad exaggerated.
Anyhow, I logged back on because I had called my long time friend to check on her and see if she had her baby and got the answering machine.
I just had a feeling so I rushed to the computer and sure enough just the day before she had her baby.  BTW, please say a little prayer for her baby, he is in the NICU with low blood sugar.
Amazing how amazing kids are and how at the same time how difficult.
My kids were TERRORS yesterday. I mean it was
a day from HELL. Thankfully I don't have those days very often.
In fact, probably just once a month or so I will call J.R. in tears and beg him
to come home.
This morning they are peaches. They are playing together..telling me how beautiful my
bead head is and Jax is telling me  how cute my PJ's are.
I'm worried about that kid.  Kidding. He is different that's for sure
and I love him so much for that.
Drum roll please.....we are now big kids and have our own health insurance!
Such a huge sigh of relief.
So we knew when the baby was born that he would have hearing problems, ear problems, or could even be deaf. I think his hearing is just fine. At least in one ear, but the Dr's are worried
that he has fluid backed up in his left ear (his cleft side) and will need tubes put in.
No biggie. Tubes? Please. Tubes are nothing compared to what we
have been through as a family in the past 7 years.
Anyhow, today....we get to take him into the Doctor. I am so excited
to get a final answer and help my boy.
I get to go shopping today. Alone. By myself. *yeah, I know that's the definition of alone just wanted
to really stress ALONE* Thank you MIL for the gift card. I think after the mall tonight I'm gonna
go sit in the park and just sit.
Be alone. Look at the stars. If I can see them
I guess there was something called like a Hooobooo last night? I don't know if
that was the right word or not. To me it was a massive dust storm mixed
with rain. It was super humid. I loved it. Besides the frizzy hair.
Oh gosh, I forgot about the frizzy hair. Uggh. Maybe I wont go to NC in the fall.
Ahh, I love North Carolina. My heart is there.
I have been floating on cloud 9 for the past 24 hours after talking to a friend. She encouraged me, let me cry in her ear (we were on the phone) and told me she would
be praying for me. Ahh prayer. I need lots of it. I haven't opened my Bible in 3 years.
I don't know what has happened to my faith lately. I guess I shouldn't say faith. I still have faith.
Somewhat. I don't know. Things have been different and I'm working on
getting my life back. I don't want to give myself a pity
or use lame excuses, but ever since my sister passed life has just been...
My heart, my head...everything changed. I'm working on getting it back to before.
OK, enough about that...time to move on.
Oh my gosh, are you really still reading? This is like the most boring
lame, no point blog
Now I cant think of anything to write cause I keep thinking how horribly long
and pointless this has been. So with that I'm gonna say goodbye.
Happy Tuesday!


  1. always love hearing your thoughts. I think close friends appreciate hearing a piece of you being put out there.

    You know God is working on you...and the pruning is the worst part. But when it's over you will be so much more ALIVE and FREE, as well as able to LOVE more, sacrifice more easily...bear much fruit. Its such a beautiful thing to see happening in someone so near and dear to my heart.

    Love you and always praying.... hang in there.

  2. oh lady...this was not boring! I was so lovely to read things just pouring straight from your heart and mind to the paper. Or screen. lol. I cannot imagine going through what you went through when your sister passed away and I imagine it would change anyone. And I imagine it would make life pretty overwhelming and unbearable trying to carry that burden and deal with your grief, still continuing with life, all on your own. Let God help you. YOu've done it on your own long enough, let Him carry you. Let Him rebuild you. That's the amazing part, He WANTS to!! It won't be easy, but it's got to be better than feeling so alone. ;)
    Love you lady!
    Always praying for you! :)

  3. I love reading your blogs. You are always so honest and it's refreshing.
    I go through phases with my Bible reading where I will do really well with the Lord and then there are days or weeks or months that it is all so sparatic. I hate that I don't do better but am so thankful that the Lord still loves me even when I am not as committed to my relationship with Him as He is. Don't give up my friend. I think of you often and am praying for you. Love you.
