Monday, October 18, 2010

A letter to my Sister

There is a video in the middle of the page. You have to push play.

This is what I wish I could say to my sister if she were still here:

Dear Sis,

Hi. I have missed you so much for the past 2 years. Lets grab a cup of coffee soon and just talk. Tell me about everything. Your hopes and fears your dreams and your heartache. I dont want to say a word. I just want to hear you talk for hours and listen. Let me know what works best for you. I am available anytime. Whenever works for you. Im here.

Love you forever,

Your big Sis.

This is what I want to say now that shes not:

Dear Sis,

I literally cant see what Im typing becuase hot tears are streaming down my face so fast I cant wipe them fast enough. I am so angry right now and filled with SO much pain. I am very happy that you are in a peacful place and with your heavenly daddy but I miss you. IM selfish and want more than anything for you to be here. I want my little sister back. You have 2 new nephews since you have been gone. Can you beleive that? 3 boys! Thats what you always wanted to have. Im pretty sure you have something to do with that since you have direct contact to the man above. LOL

Im so angry cause I have to live a lifetime without my only sister. I have to live with such deep heartbreak. Everyone's heart is still breaking. We all miss you Kait. I cant even write anymore. My eyes burn so much. I cant wait to see you one day sis. I just pray you are waiting up there and will be the first person (besided Jesus of course!) to welcome me. Then we can sit and have our coffee. Gosh darn. I am so sad without you.

Till we meet again,

Your big sis.


  1. I love to see your heart and I am blessed to watch you heal. If I ever had a sister, I would want her to love me the way you love Kaitlyn. YOu can touch so many lives and help so many people to heal and reach out to those that are hurting.

  2. What a beautiful letter. As I approach the 16 year mark of Sherri's Homecoming to Heaven - I still have some of these same feelings and emotions. It is so hard to believe that we are here raising our children without their aunts and yet what a testimony we can tell them as we share with them that they will meet their aunt when they see their Heavenly Father! Love ya!

  3. Know that Families ARE Forever and your Sister Kait will be waiting to hold you once again. In the meantime she holds you in her heart and sees your love for her . . . always. She kissed the little ones as they left for your arms, she held them and told them how amazing you are . . . she actually blesses your life daily . . . with her love . . . in the meantime . . . you have all of us to give you hugs . . . Nancy

  4. thank you ladies. I appreciate your love and support!
