Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Let me know....

  • So, I want to know what YOU want me to write about. If you dont have a Blogger account just leave it under my FB comments. I will write about the most exciting topic. No topic is off limits. It can be about being a wife, friend, mom, wild child, Christian, cooking, hobbies, politics (that would be boring) anything you can think of.


  1. I would like you to write about a typical day for you. When the kids get up, how breakfast goes with feeding 3 young kids, having time to do stuff around the house, having time to be on the computer...just everything throughout your day. I only have 2 kids and find it EXTREMELY difficult just to get some things done.

  2. Hmm...I think write about your love story with JR, the ups and downs, why you love him, your first memory of him! In fact, maybe I wll blog about Joel and I this week!
