Thursday, February 10, 2011

the bad, the bad, and the ugly

Well I am in week 2 of my operation "lose this baby weight cause its about darn time since your child is now 10 months old and you are heavier than you were when you delivered" Thats a mouth full.

I have done so well eating better, drinking more water, and filling my body with all that is good and healthy. I started 2 weeks ago at 174. And a week and a half later Iam down to 170. My realistic goal is to be at 140 but I would LOVE to be 130. 

I meant to do this back in September or so then I got lazy. I mean I wasn't THAT big yet right? I guess it took my big wake up call a few weeks ago to get me to post this totally embarrassing and totally humiliating public display. Well, its not THAT public. Im not posting it on FB cause I dont want a bunch of men to see what I look like semi nude (thats right just a bit you will see me. SEMI. NUDE.)

Why you ask? To embarrass the junk out of me. Keep me accountable. The best way to lose this weight for me is to show you all how "uncomfortable" I feel. So here you go. You might want to grab a garbage bag just in case you vomit in your mouth. I will post more pics and measurements in a month!


  1. Well I would have never guessed you weighed 170 but I am so proud of you for doing what you have to do to get comfortable with yourself! I'm also working on my own little "get in shape now before you just get swallowed up in baggy shirts" routine. go girl!

  2. Go Amy go! you can do it! I totally feel your pain. I'm currently on the other side, gaining pregnancy weight, but I'll be with you in trying not to gain insane amounts and then get it off!!! Not as easy at 34 as it used to be!Ha! Just dig in and go for it!

  3. I am right here with ya Amy. I need to take pictures and measurements too. Good luck!

  4. Sherry, your expecting??!! OMG Congratulations!! How far along? Boy/Girl? Details! LOL

  5. Amy, You are incredible and beauty is so much more than skin deep. I am so proud of you for setting goals and asking to be held accountable. What an amazing example and woman you are!!! I'm here for you if you need anything or aomeone else to hold you accountable I'll be here.
