Monday, June 8, 2009

Going Overboard!!

So, I swore I wouldn't have another big birthday party for Aiden. After last year (5 days after my sister passed away) we had 2 birthday parties. One in Colorado and one in California. I said the next party will just be a few friends and a cake. Then we started planning a small one this year and now it seems to be huge.

We have the privilege of sharing it with one of my friends son, Tyler. He has the same birthday as Aiden. So, now 33 kids and 32 adults seems to be a big party. (that's who is invited, not necessarily who will come) I cant wait. even though I swore I wouldn't do it!!!

It is going to be Superman theme so naturally I want to dress up. (I LOVE themes) And naturally I want Superman to make an appearance. And then there are all the kids...what do kids LOVE? BOUNCEHOUSES!!!! So what if it cost $110 and you have to set it up yourself and do all the work? So what if we have NO extra money. You cant have a birthday party without a bouncehouse!!!

I have been sitting at the computer for over an hour finding fun things, clothes, costumes, etc..for this grand event. I will admit. It is really selfish why I want to go all out. It gives everyone something to take there mind off during the crappy week it is going to be. I can plan a party and not think of what happened that week last year. I can make sure everyone has a wonderful time instead of crying. We can celebrate a life (2 lives) instead of dwelling on what we lost.

So, my "little" birthday party I wanted to do is now turning into a BIG event. I just wish I was creative enough to make things. If anyone has any suggestions...please fill me in (yes that means you Christine and Debran!!) I just started planning today and it is in 2 1/2 weeks already!! Oh goodness!!!


  1. I LOVE parties and party planning! I am excited for you! Check out these blogs: and There are tons of others too, just search a little bit. One of these sites just recently had a superhero party and the activity was each child made a felt cape! It was super cute!!! Check it out and have fun!!

  2. I love the superman theme. Such fun. I am so bad at coming up with my own ideas. I usually just steal other people's. I will start brainstorming and facebook you. :)

    Hang in there!

  3. I LOVE the first picture. Isn't it sad when they grow up so fast. He is so precious.

  4. I tagged you to play crazy 8 if you want to! The rules are on my page
